“闽江学者”特聘教授,复旦大学物理学学士,凝聚态物理硕士,澳大利亚昆士兰大学机械工程博士,入选澳大利亚研究委员会“探索青年研究员”(ARC DECRA)国家级人才计划。主要从事半导体材料超精密加工,专长于先进半导体材料、纳微材料的微观结构与纳米力学性能表征。在国际知名科学期刊发表论文60余篇。曾担任澳大利亚昆士兰华人科学家与工程师协会秘书长。
华侨大学 制造工程研究院 教授
2018.11 至今 华侨大学 制造工程研究院 教授
2011.02– 2018.11 澳大利亚昆士兰大学机械工程学院研究人员Research fellow
2007.03 – 2010.10 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,博士, 专业: 机械工程
2005.04 – 2006.03 澳大利亚昆士兰大学交换学生, 专业:机械工程
2003.09 – 2006.12 复旦大学,硕士,专业:凝聚态物理
1999.09 – 20030.7 复旦大学,本科,专业:物理
✓ 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目:碳化硅晶圆摩擦诱导化学机械复合高效高质背减薄加工的基础研究(U22A20198),2023-2026在研(主要参与);
ü 国家自然科学基金面上项目:控制力比的衬底用单晶氮化镓纳米磨削损伤抑制方法及相关机理研究,2021-2024,在研(主持);
ü 厦门市科学技术局青年创新基金:单晶氮化镓磨削过程引入晶体缺陷及其控制策略的分子动力学模拟研究,2020-2023,在研(主持);
ü 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:2022-2024,在研(主持);
ü 澳大利亚研究委员会优秀青年基金:ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA): “Understanding failure mechanisms in micro-solder joints in three dimensional integrated circuit packaging”,资助额度: $390,572,约200万元,2014-2016,人才项目,结题(主持);
ü 昆士兰大学启动经费UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund: “Nanoscratching-induced deformation of soft-brittle materials”,资助额度: $11,980,结题(主持)。
1. YQ Wu, QJ Rao, JP Best*, DK Mu, XP Xu and H Huang*, “Superior Room Temperature Compressive Plasticity of Submicron Beta-Phase Gallium Oxide Single Crystals”, Advanced Functional Materials 32 (2022) 2207960. (影响因子19.92)
2. SP Tan, YP Wang, H Huang, YQ Wu* and H Huang, “Deformation and removal mechanism of single crystal gallium nitride in nanoscratching”, Ceramics Internationa 48 (2022) 23793-23799.(影响因子5.53)
3. YQ Wu, DK Mu and H Huang*, “Deformation and removal of semiconductor and laser single crystals at extremely small scales”, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2 (2020) 012006. 该论文被主编评选为该期刊“Best Paper Award in 2020”. (影响因子10.03)
4. YQ Wu*, S Gao, RK Kang and H Huang*, “Deformation patterns and fracture stress of single crystal β-Ga2O3 obtained using compression of micro-pillars”, Journal of Materials Science, 54 (2019) 1958-1966. (影响因子4.68)
5. YQ Wu*, S Gao and H Huang*, “The deformation pattern of single crystal β-Ga2O3 under nanoindentation”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 71 (2017) 321-325. (影响因子4.64)
6. SL Wang, YQ Wu, LW Lin, YH He, H Huang*, “Fracture strain of SiC nanowires and direct evidence of electron-beam induced amorphisation in the strained nanowires”, Small, 11 (2015) 1672-1676. (影响因子15.15)
7. YQ Wu, S.D. McDonald, J. Read, H. Huang and K. Nogita*, “Determination of the minimum Ni concentration to prevent the ŋ to ŋ4+1 polymorphic transformation of stoichiometric Cu6Sn5”, Scripta Materialia, 68 (2013) 595-598. (影响因子6.30)
8. YQ Wu, J.C. Barry, T, Yamamoto, Q.F. Gu, S.D. McDonald, S. Matsumura, H. Huang and K. Nogita*, “A new phase in stoichiometric Cu6Sn5”, Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 6581. (影响因子9.21)
9. YQ Wu, H Huang* and J Zou, “Transmission electron microscopy characterisation of the deformation of CdZnTe single crystals induced by nanoscratching” Scripta Materialia, 65 (2011) 392. (影响因子6.30)
10. YQ Wu, H Huang*, J Zou*, LC Zhang and JM Dell, “Nanoscratch-induced phase transformation of monocrystalline Si”, Scripta Materialia, 63 (2010) 847. (影响因子6.30)